This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is logo-6-1.pngSolar Panel Cleaning and More…

Glass Hard Water Spot Removal

Stone Cleaning and Restoration

  The passion for solar panel cleaning, window cleaning, and marble and granite restoration dates back to 1998 when our founder, John Shaw, attended the National Training Center for Stone and Masonry Trades in New Jersey. Having started and run three service-related companies as leadups to this one, Shaw provided cleaning and restoration services on the Island of Guam and along the Puget Sound in Washington State. His clientele ranged from residential to commercial customers such as property managers, banks, hotels, jewelry stores, airlines, tourist venues, and brands like Hard Rock, Hermes, and Gucci.

  John, a 21-year military veteran, first with the Army and then with the Navy, says, “Serving others is one of the keys to experiencing genuine happiness and joy in life.” He has been married for 30 years and has five children, four grandchildren, and one on the way. Aside from running the company, he works for the United States Air Force and is pursuing a Master’s in Evangelism and Mission through Regent University. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Biblical and Theological Studies from Regent University and, over the last decade, has started and pastored two churches. He looks forward to his company serving you in Wichita County, TX, and surrounding areas.

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